Sunday, May 01, 2005

In London

Flight wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Got in about 4am Idaho time. Took the Tube to the hostel. Nice place, for a hostel. Couldn't figure out how to use the phone here, so I have as of yet been unable to contact Jade, my only friend living here.

Went for a walk in Regent's Park. Beautiful. Came out on a completely different side and wandered around London trying to find my way back for probably an hour and a half. Had a blast.

Things I saw: People of all races speaking all languages. I haven't met hardly anyone who is English yet. The sweetest car I have ever seen in the form of a vintage Jaguar, then yet again the sweetest car I had ever seen in the form of a Rolls Royce that cost 280,000 pounds (almost a 1/2 million $). A grown man using a Razor scooter as transportation. Kids, couples, families, and a glimpse of a great outdoor theatre in the Park. Might have to shell out £10 for a Saturday mattenie of something.

Only have 8 minutes of internet left. More soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

shit man, glad you made it alright to jolly old london (well england at least).Um make sure to set your watch to big ben and also let me know what actual time tea time is. That would be rad.
OK, i thought id leave you a messsage, since you avent had the comments pouring in yet. Shitty deal on the phone by the way- oh and how are you receiving internet? The world may never know. Its probably an internet cafe or something, but in my imagination right now, i see you wiring your laptop up to a telephone pole and using it as a wireless reciever. WHO knows. The shadow does.
Not to make you jealous, by the way, but the party on saturday was an amazing success- Two bands from seattle had thier gigs cancelled so we had four local bands (on a stage that gimp and i built that morning) and two signed bands playing. There were kegs and all kings of beverages- Get off our lawn played, and someone brought a fiddle to play as well.
One of the guys in the band is a DJ so he brought all his equipemnt and we had a full sound system.
Needless to say, it was an awesome party, and we were all very sad that you missed it.
It was wierd, but most of the people who said thery would be there without a doubt did not show-they thought a party at 3 was a silly idea, but to the naysayers i say, NAY TO YOU BOOTY-POO.
But you were checking out the awesome British dental plan, and i respect that.
Anyway, thats all i have to report on this end.
Ta-Ta, and all that rot

12:44 AM, May 02, 2005  

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