Friday, July 29, 2005

I'm the worst blogger ever

Hey everyone. Sorry I havn't been updating. When I get home, I just haven't been in the mood. Not all that much is happening lately, either.

Played in a poker tournament in a place called Gutshot last Tuesday. Good times. Five pound buy in, and unlimited rebuys for the first hour. I only lost 10 pounds, and was there for about an hour and a half. Learned a lot. I'll go back, but not to frequently. Expensive.

I saw Batman Begins on the IMAX here, and it freakin' rocked. The movie is great, and that is one gigantic screen. Not quite as big as I thought it would be, but still totally wicked.

Paris is the weekend after this one. Should be awesome.

Justin leaves on Saturday. I'll miss him, but I GET MY ROOM BACK!!! Oh, the extacy.

Brooke leaves on August 18th. Another bittersweet, planned-obselecene relationship. I don't have any regrets, but it's kind of sad. She wants me to go to Berlin with her next month, but I can't afford it. Paris will be expensive, and I want to go to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. That's the biggest Theatre festival in Europe, for those who don't know. It's a month long, and supposed to be the raging shit.

I'm looking into bikes more. I found a 2nd hand one online that looks really nice, and will be cheaper than the new shitty one I was going to buy. I'm in contact with the guy, and I'll go look at it this weekend. I hope it works out, because I really want to start cycling again. I miss the daily physical activity. I'm too sedentary these days, and I can feel it.

Right. I have 45 mintues to read Harry Potter on my lunch break. Ciao!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have any plans for when you go to Paris? Who are you going with? What do you want to see FIRST!?
Still hot here...114 degrees at my west window, 90 at my east (kitchen) window (at 5pm)....:(
Enjoy the cool!

5:03 PM, July 29, 2005  

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