Friday, July 08, 2005

Never a Dull Moment

So, for those of you who haven't been watching the news.

There was a series of bombings on the London Underground yesterday morning. At least four on the Tube, and one in a bus. 40-odd people are dead, and hundreds injurded. Had I been on the Tube, I would have been fine. Likley stranded, but fine. It didn't hit my line, which I find surprising. I would have thought they Terrorists would have hit the richer part of London. But they just went after the common, working class people on thier way to work. Cowards.

The office emptied halfway through the day, as people needed time to be able to get home. Since I live an hour away by tube, I wasn't going to walk it. I stayed until the last people were leaving, then went to a pub for a pint. Sat and read The Brentford Triangle . Thanks, Randy!

I wasn't able to get home last night, as all transprotation had been shut down. Fortunately Brooke lives within walking distance of both our works, so I stayed there last night.


Tall. Dark hair, dark brown eyes. Great smile. Philosophy and something else major. 18. Worked at the Democratic National Convention last year. Working in a law office now, wants to go to law school so she can help the world.

She spent a good chunk of her childhood in London, so this has been somthing of a homecoming for her. It's fun walking around, because she knows the city from the point of view of a nine year old. She is off to Dublin this weekend.

Once I get a photo pf her from Paul, I'll post it. Blogger has made it much easier to post photos, so you will see more.

I think this will be a weekend of rest. Still haven't caught up on sleep properly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

SO-O-O glad you mised the terror of yesterday. Is there anything you can do to help those who were'nt as lucky as you???
Hugs, hugs, hugs!

6:35 AM, July 08, 2005  

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