Sunday, July 17, 2005

This disturbs me deeply...

This is the dumbest, most pretentious thing I have ever seen. As if I didn't have reason to hate people who drive Suburban Assault Vehicles in the city as it is, now we have :

Spray-On Mud

That's right, Spray-On Mud. For the raging dumbass who wants people to think that he is "rugged" and "outdoorsy" in downtown London in his Mercedes SUV. If you're going to have a large and overblown vehicle to show everyone how great you are, have the good class to buy Bently. No one would ever want to put Spray-On Mud on a Bently.


Justin is coming to the end of his time here in London, and will be traveling to Spain for a week. Since he doesn't want to pay another month's rent for a week or so, he's going to crash at my place. I don't really have much room, but he and Paul had less room when they let me sleep there. So it's the least I can do. I will admit I'm not looking forward to loosing my privacy, though. And since we don't have a common room, I will be. I suspect I will be spending a lot of time at Brooke's and just giving Justin my keys after work so he can get home. As long as one of us is home before the other, it will be fine.

Spent yesterday in Camden Market with Brooke. Not the first time I've been there with a girl, but the first time is was actually a decent date. Afterwards she had dinner with friends, and I went out to bid Bon Voyage to Mark and Phil.

Mark and Phil are two French Canadian friends of ours. They are an absolute blast to hang with, and very well loved by all. There was about a dozen of us at Bar Logic, and I haven't gone drinking with such a large group of mutual friends in a while. Mark and Phil are off across Europe for a couple of weeks, but they'll be back through London soon.

It is an odd feeling. Most of my friends here are BUNACers like me, but they are almost all still students. For them this is a crazy summer trip, and a part of College. They'll go back to their friends and family and tell them all about their Euopean Summer. I'm here as the next step in my life, and I don't really have anything to go back to. As much as a miss home and everyone, I don't feel like my future lies there. I'm starting something great here, and after next month is over I'll have shed much of my initial support network and really be here on my own. I like the though of that.

It's been absolutely beautiful here. I tried to sit in my backyard and read today, but there is something dead in the bushes. I'd recognize the smell of mid-summer dead thing anywhere. Reminds me of growing up in the woods, actually.

Rumor has it that there should be some official word coming down the pipe at work which will have large impact on my future here. Not to be all mysterious, but that's all I can say for now. I'll let you know soon.

Oh, and Randy: LOVED the books. Everyone, run out and buy/borrow/steal from small children The Antipope by Robert Frankin. It's the first book in the Brentford Trilogy, and it's a hoot. A British hoot, at that.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have 4 to 6 weeks of summer left...anything can happen...
When I was your age it was nothing to zip around the country. Now it's nothing to zip around the globe! Go for it now while you still can! :)

9:37 PM, July 17, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spray-on mud? As a resident of Idaho I must say: LAME!

BTW: I love you!!! Sounds like you're having great experiences and making great friends. Viva la Weasel!

4:10 PM, July 18, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read your Stonehenge post. If you were moved by those stones from so far away (it was like that when I was there in 1988 too -- too many people walking on the ground was making it settle and causing the stones to tip) you should really visit Avebury. It's near Stonehenge: a village encircled by standing stones. And you can get right up close to the stones there.


9:35 AM, July 20, 2005  

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