Friday, June 17, 2005

Party Time

For those of you who saw the short-lived post that was supposed to have a picture with it: I have no idea why Blogger isn't posting my pictures. I promise as soon as I figure it out, there will be picture goodness all over the place.

I'm going out on the town with my roommate Jeremy tonight. There might be a party, but if not we'll just go hit the pubs. I hope he can introduce me to more Britons, specifically of the female persuation.

One of my co-workers is has been burning DVDs for me. I have three seasons of Family Guy now, as well as Star Wars Episodes 2 & 3 and The Incredibles. Yay, free movies!!!

I took a yoga class through the ISH yesterday. Taught by a funny little Oriental woman (funny ha-ha, not funny whoa-look-at-that). It was a lot different from the yoga I did in college, but it was good times. It will be every Monday and Thursday, at 3 pounds a lesson. Totally worth it.

Going to use the rest of my lunch break for something else.



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