Saturday, June 18, 2005

Went out with Jeremy and a grip of his friends last night. Went to a couple of pubs, then to a club called The Garage. Small place, delightfully non-trendy. Really just a big cement room with a bar at one end and a DJ at the other. I understand they have decent bands there sometimes, and the music is usually much more Indie. It was a mix of club music and older rock. Good to dance to, which I did plenty of. When we got there it was practically deserted, which I was assured was very unusal. It picked up later, and we met a table of girls. I honestly don't know if there was someone there one of my crew knew, or if we just sat down. I looked over from something, and everyone was heading that way. It was so loud I couldn't hear any of the conversations (shouting into someone's ear a such a great way to communicate...), so I struck one up with a couple of the birds. Nice girls. One of them, Amber, bought me a beer before we left. That was kind of odd. Not that I didn't dig it, but isn't that supposed to be my line? I got her number, and I'll give her a call after the obligatory 3 days.

For those who don't know, that isn't something I usually do. Talking to strange girls, I mean. I credit at least half of my success to liquid courage (and plenty of it!), but I was still pretty proud of myself.

The Tube stops running at 12:30, so they have something called the Night Bus. It shows up once every half hour, and it takes FOREVER to get you home. But it gets you home, even all the way out here from central London. It was around 4 when we got back.

I hurt like hell today. Haven't been this hung over in a while. It was a beautiful day today, and I've spent the whole thing inside. I was outside briefly to stand in the sun, but that didn't last long. Jeremy went to Camden Market, and I would have gone with but my head still hurt too much. It's 9:00 in evening now, and I'm just starting to feel back up to snuff. I've just been on my bed watching Family Guy all day. Glad I have a window the size of a door to let the breeze in.

My friend Michelle, the one I went out to dinner with? She won Live 8 tickets!!! For those who don't know, Live 8 is the reduex of Live Aid, the benefit concert in the 80s. "We arrree the world, we arrreee the children..." That one. There are a number of them going on across the world, and one is in Hyde Park in London. It will be absolutely huge, and the lineup is incredible. Pink Floyd, Elton John, The Cure, Madonna, Paul McCartney, REM, Snoop Dogg, the list goes on. This one isn't to raise money, it's just to raise awareness. So the only way to get tickets is by a drawing. Michelle has officially invited a friend from Canada, but in the likely occurrence he can't fly to London, she wants to take me. WOOT!

My friend Daniel Haley is going to be here for a night next week. He has been studying in Malta, and he has a 14 hour overnight layover in London. Daniel and I went to UI together, and worked on a number of shows. He's a great actor, and an absolutely fantastic person. I'm really excited to see him.

Next weekend is Amsterdam. For 120 pounds, I get accommodation for 2 nights, travel there and back, and a number of touristy things with the group. Justin figured out how to do it 20-40 pounds more cheaply, but I want to go on the BUNAC one so a bunch of friends will be there.

I think that brings it up to speed. I'm glad things are picking up a little again. I feel like I'm wasting my time because I'm not doing something totally amazing every single day. But I'm having fun, and things keep happening regardless. I'm really glad I'm here for six months, not just the summer like a bunch of my friends. Time is going fast enough, and I don't want to feel rushed.

Hey, anyone out there who hasn't dropped a comment on to the page, I'd love to know you're reading. Click on the little blue text just below that says "Add a comment."

Peace, y'all!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brett love,

Miss you tons (as I say every time I comment) Nice to see you've picked up a bit of the british lingo and sprinkeld it through your posts. Send my love to Daniel Haley. Tell him I miss him, and can't wait to see him. Take care of yourself in Amsterdam...don't have to much fun :)


2:04 PM, June 18, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ski...The next time you know you're going to be drinking enough to get a hang over, take some aspirin before you go to bed. It doesn't get rid of it, but it helps a lot. Also, remember that you are poisoning your bod, so take GOOD care of it the next day (as it sounds you did). PS..I hope you can still hear well! BIG HUG!, MOM

7:16 AM, June 19, 2005  

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