Thursday, August 04, 2005


I should be going to bed right now. I really should. But I am compelled to blog.

I just finished a book, GEEKS: How two lost boys rode the Internet out of Idaho by Jon Katz. Fantastic book. I highly recommend it, especially if you feel at all geeky and/or are from Idaho. I made think about a lot of things, including where I am and where I am going. But mostly where I came from.

Thank you Mom, for the book and the lifetime of support and unconditional love. Without the excellent home life I had growing up, I don't know who I'd be. That wonderful home was often very hard work for both my parents, and I am deeply grateful.

Thank you Mr Anderson, whom I know isn't reading this blog, but I hope to contact soon. Mom, if you see him, can you pass the address on?

Thank you to my friends, both old and recent, for always being there for me and accepting the weird little kid I always have been and always will be.

Thank you to the Internet and Geek Culture, for providing me an outlet when it was (and is) desperately needed, and for keeping in contact with the ones I love. For that alone I can't say enough.

Thank you to Life, The Universe, and Everything, for making life hard enough to give me character, but then giving me exactly what I need to take the next step. I am well aware how incredibly lucky I am, and how many people would (and do) literally kill for what I have.

What do I have? It's not the material goods, the money, the opulent lifestyle that allows me such amazing luxuries like the room I live in and the computer I am writing this on. It's not the countless friends, family, mentors, and general people that have touched my blessed life. It's the fact that I know, without a doubt, that I will be OK. More than OK, my life will be great. I don't really need to worry, because I will end up where I need to be. All my efforts, hard work, whatever, while necessary, will ultimately lead me to the final place. And that place is good.

My future has started to become more indistinct. While I thought it was 90% sure I would be going to the Very Exotic Place (still not allowed to mention it by name; soon), it now is looking more like 60% sure. And suddenly, that's OK.

Friendster has allowed me to re-establish communications with people I thought lost, and has made me miss home. If I have to go back to the States in November, I think I would be more than happy to set up a life in Seattle. I have friends and family there, and it would be a good place. I can go places, or settle down and start being "adult." Wait, fuck that. How about just live there for a while.

If my world travels do end there, I know this: I'm coming back. There is a lot of Europe I haven't seen, and a lot more of the World I haven't been even close to. I WILL see more. And I'm fine with waiting. I know life will bring me back. The call is faint and in the distance, but it is there.

To all who read this, my love. Know that I am happy and content. This weekend is Paris, and it should be great. Next weekend is the Fringe Festival, and that should also be great. Afterwards I will be broke as hell, and that will be less great. But I'm not concerned. I've been broke before. It has it's own charm about it.

I got a good bike, so that will help. Specialized Rockhopper, a kickass mountain bike. Getting it home from North London last night was one hell of an adventure, but that will have to wait for another time. Remind me to tell you the story.

Ok, bed now. Mom, thanks for the book. It was excellent. Watch for some Chanel No. 5 in the mail. Everyone else, I leave you with the word of Smoking Bill

One, for the life you live
Two, for your family and your friends
Three, for the bed where you sleep
And four for the food that you get to eat



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love new level of openess you seem to have achieved, knowing how much we all love you and how we want to be a part of the bad parts as well as the good parts. I'm sure everyone would agree that we're happy you escaped harm in the recent bombings, and even happier that you are finding more and more of yourself and doing it in your way. We're proud of you, and you should be too! :) Kisses

3:39 PM, August 05, 2005  

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