Wednesday, June 08, 2005

A Day In The (London) Life

7:00 am: Alarm goes off.

7:20: Get up.

8:00: Be at bus station a block down the road to catch a bus to the Tube station, about 10
minutes away

8:45: After one train change, arrive at Green Park station. Walk past The Ritz, the Bentley dealership, and the jewelry district. Arrive at work.

9:00: Start answering emails. If there are a lot waiting, it’s all day. If there are only a few, we might get out early. Tends to decrease as the work week progresses.

9:30: Realize we need coffee. Go downstairs to make some.

9:45: Decide we should probably get some more work done.

12:30-1:00: Lunch time. Either walk to a sandwich bar, or grab the sack lunch out of the fridge and surf the ‘net while eating. On really nice days, sometimes go to nearby park. Not many really nice days yet, though. Patience.

1:30-2:00: Wrap up Internet Poker game. Return to emails. Reflect that it is a good thing my work encourages creativity and a personal touch to the responses. Otherwise, drastic action would be necessary.

(I just glanced out my window to notice the neighbor across the back yard lots is watching pr0n. Must remember to purchase a cheap pair of binoculars…)

2:30: Realize I’ve been sitting in a food coma for the last half hour. Back to the kitchenette downstairs for more coffee. Have taken to mixing in coco to make a mocha. Mmmm, stimulatingly chocolaty…

4:00: Engage in random, silly nerd conversations with coworkers. Really, this happens all during the day. But right around now it becomes vital to survival.

5:45: Realize there isn’t much more to be done in only fifteen minutes. Try to get a couple more email fired off.

6:05: Run down street past jewelry district, Bentley dealership, The Ritz laughing maniacally and screaming “Free! Free!”

7:00: Arrive back at West Ham. Hit Tesco (the Wal-Mart of British grocery stores. They do broadband internet, home loans, and life insurance too). Catch a bus home. Cook dinner. Hang with increasingly cool roommate.
Speaking of the increasingly cool roommate, he wishes to engage in one of my favorite pastimes. What is that, you ask? Why, stimulating conversation of course! What did you think I meant?


P.S. Old British sitcoms are funny shit.


Anonymous Anonymous said... breakfast???
Does the big grocery store have the equivilent to breakfast bars??? Easy to eat on your transportation route!
(Sorry...once a Mom, always a Mom... :) )

7:07 AM, June 08, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, Brett, it is mmmc and you are taking me way back in my memories of life in Switzerland, England etc.I just talked to m;om and she is really doing just fine!!!!

8:28 AM, June 09, 2005  

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