Friday, June 10, 2005

Uneventful Days

Not much has been happening lately. My roommate Jeremy and I have spent the last three nights trying to get a router working so I can access the internet at home. If that happens, there will be more posting and hopefully some more pictures.

I have learned my dear friend Kelsey is in Brussles. She was there when I was, but we didn't know it. Hopefully we will be able to connect soon.

It's Friday, and I have no solid plans. Hopefully something amazing will come up, but I don't have a lot of money right now. I need to live frugally for the next couple of weeks.

Other than that, not much to say. I have fallen into the humdrum of daily life fairly quickly, and I'm enjoying it. Living as far out as I do makes going out after work kind of hard, unless I go out immediately. But that means buying dinner somewhere. If I want to be out after 11, we have to go to a club. Loud music, shallow people, cover charge, and really expensive drinks. I need to find a place I like that is open late.

I think I might buy a bicycle next paycheck. It would provide me with the physical activity I have been craving, but haven't been willing to engage in.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about bringing a "sack-dinner" to work on Fri.? Then you could also go to a play or whatever (museum?) AND a local (neighborhood) Pub later. Do the trains (?) home stop service at a certain time?

6:43 AM, June 10, 2005  
Blogger Heather K said...

Dude Brett I totally love that your mom posts. That's sweet!

10:54 PM, June 10, 2005  

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